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50 Hạt Rau nhút -rau dút-rau rút - water mimosa seeds


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    50 Hạt Rau nhút -rau dút-rau rút - water mimosa seeds

    Hạt Giống Rau Nhút Rau Rút Dút - Water Mimosa

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    Vỏ hạt rau dút rất dày, chống thấm tốt; hãy dùng dao hoặc giấy nhám chà bụng vỏ rồi mang đi ngâm nước liên tục (y như với hạt sen) trong 10 -15 ngày cho tới khi nảy mầm xong. Hoặc lấy đồ bấm bấm nhẹ chỗ nhọn để hạt mở lớp vỏ dày cho mầm nảy. Hạt này nảy thì có thể đem đi trồng. Cây này thích lượng nước nhiều liên tục lõng bõng như rau muống ruộng. Khi trồng dưới nước, nó tạo thân phì trắng; còn trồng trên cạn, thì không có hiện tượng này.
    1 Bring a small pan of water to a boil, remove it from the heat and immediately put sensitive plant seeds into the water. Let them soak for 12 hours to soften the seed coat.
    2 Alternatively, use a sharp knife to scratch off a piece of the brown seed coat to reveal the white layer just beneath it, then soak the scarified seeds overnight in water.
    3. Fill clean 3-inch pots with a well-draining commercial potting mix that is high in organic material, bringing it to 1/4 of an inch beneath the pot’s rim. Put four seeds equally spaced on top of the mix and barely cover them with additional mix. Press the mix down over the seeds. Repeat until all the seeds are sown.
    4. Put 1 inch of water in the bottom of a clean dishpan and put the planted pots in it. When the top of the soil is wet, remove the pots and put them in a place with bright light. Keep the potting mix evenly moist and warm, around 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Watch for germination as early as a week after sowing, although seeds usually sprout after three to four weeks.

    Neptunia oleracea, commonly known in English as water mimosa or sensitive neptunia, is pantropical nitrogen-fixing perennial legume. Genus and common name come from Neptune, god of the sea, in reference to the aquatic habit of some species in the genus. Wikipedia
    Scientific name: Neptunia oleracea
    Family: Fabaceae
    Higher classification: Neptunia
    Order: Fabales
    Conservation status: Least Concern Encyclopedia of Life
    Rank: Species

    Chúng tôi sẽ vận chuyển qua dịch vụ USPS với mã số theo dõi tracking number với giá là $3.75
    We will ship via USPS with tracking number with shipping fee $3.75 each shipment

    Nếu muốn mua nhiều loại hạt chung một lần để giảm bớt tiền vận chuyển, xin liên lạc facebook messenger.
    If you want to combine all the order in one shipment, please contact me in facebook messenger.

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